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12 Blue and White Ginger Jars That Are $50 or Less

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Blue and white ginger jars are such a classic choice for home decor. And why not? This classic color combo is appropriate for all seasons, and it pretty much goes with everything. My favorite blue and white accent that ANYONE can rock? A blue and white Chinese porcelain ginger jar.

Here are some of my Instagram pals who have really nailed the look when it comes to incorporating ginger jars into their decor:

Hayley, Mum Little Loves — Seriously, GET OUT OF TOWN with that incredible kitchen.

Jennifer, Dimples & Tangles — Her home is full of color and pattern and it is so stinking fabulous.

Albertina, Mimosa Lane Blog — Her home is full of fresh, gorgeous color and classic patterns. One of my faves!

See? They really work in any space. And the ginger jar — whether used alone or in groups — is the star of the show. Just check out this stunner on my kitchen table.

For good measure, here’s a lovely shot of a few ginger jars that Emily Clark grouped together. So pretty, right?

There’s just one problem: Most of the ginger jars I’ve come across are expensive. Like really expensive. Like “if this fell on the floor and broke, I would probably freak out and cry” expensive.

And let’s face it: When there are small children around, accidents do happen and gorgeous decorative pieces do get broken. I speak from plenty of experience. It’s for this very reason that at this point in my life, I simply can’t justify making a significant investment in decorative pieces.

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like to add beautiful accents to our home. And in my quest for budget-friendly ginger jars, here are a couple tips for finding ’em on the cheap.

Scour HomeGoods, Ross and Marshalls on the regular. This is my best tip for finding blue and white porcelain ginger jars that aren’t astronomically expensive. I don’t think I’ve paid more than $25 for a ginger jar that I found at one of these retailers. Of course it’s hit or miss because there’s never a guarantee that each of these stores will have an abundance of ginger jars when you visit, but if you go often enough I bet you’ll find a few.

Check Amazon. I’ve found some surprisingly good ginger jar deals on Amazon. Like here and here.

Don’t forget about Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. I personally haven’t scored ginger jars from Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, but a few of my friend have been able to get beautiful, one-of-a-kind ginger jars through these sites at a steal of a price. Run a search periodically….you never know what blue and white goodness might turn up.

Continuing my quest for an affordable blue and white porcelain ginger jar, I’ve rounded up a dozen of these babies that you will LOVE, and the best part is that they’ll set you back no more than $50*:

Top Row, From Left to Right: One // Two // Three // Four

Middle Row, From Left to Right: One // Two // Three // Four

Bottom Row, From Left to Right: One // Two // Three // Four

*At the time I wrote this post, each ginger jar pictured above was under $50. If the price of an item has changed, well….. 1) that stinks and 2) it’s obviously a sign you should go to HomeGoods in search of all the ginger jars right now.

Now excuse me while I run out and buy ALL of these. Just kidding. Sort of.

In the meantime, what other affordable home accessories do you want to see on the blog? Places to buy great area rugs that won’t cost your entire paycheck? Kid-friendly coffee tables and upholstered seating options?

Tell me in the comments!

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Great tips for finding porcelain blue and white ginger jars at reasonable prices!

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