Today’s the big day!
We’re starting yet another refresh project over here.
And we’re doing it all as part of the fall 2020 One Room Challenge.
What is the One Room Challenge?
It’s a “challenge” where lots of bloggers and designers and interior decorating enthusiasts come together to transform one room over the course of six weeks.
I’ve participated before — here’s my favorite room makeover I did last year as part of the ORC.
I tend to be a major procrastinator when it comes to tweaking our home unless there’s some kind of major deadline involved, so the ORC is a great motivator to actually get projects done that have been on my list for ages.
That said, there are several rooms in our home that need some decorating love.
And as a matter of fact, I almost went forward with two room makeovers as part of this season’s ORC.
But then I realized that I was completely out of my mind and that tackling two rooms would likely give me major anxiety … so I dialed back my plans to focus on just one space.
Thank goodness.
I seriously got heart palpitations just typing that!
The Evolution of our Kids Playroom Decor
You’re probably wondering why we decided to make over the kids’ playroom.
There’s nothing wrong with the room.
It’s always been a favorite space in our home.
Here’s a quick look at how our playroom’s evolved over the years.
First, let’s rewind to when we used to have our happy-hued FLOR Squares rug in this room:

I eventually got tired of the extremely bright rug in this room, and swapped it out for this black and white striped rug:

Fast forward to today — this is what you see as you enter the room from the foyer of our home:

Related: see more playroom decor ideas, organizing hacks, and more in these posts:
- Our Playroom Reveal: DIY Kids Desk Ideas + More
- 7 Stylish and Easy IKEA Hacks for Kids Playrooms or Kids Bedrooms
- Our Modern, Colorful Kids Playroom: How to Create a Stylish and Functional Play Space
- 4 Tips to Declutter the Kids Playroom (and Save Your Sanity) Before the Holidays
(Side note: I apparently really enjoy buying new rugs.)
While the white IKEA Kallax shelving unit you see here has always been an MVP of our space, the fact of the matter is that as the kids get older, they simply don’t need the same type of storage and play space that they needed when they were really tiny.
And I’m going to be honest: It’s really hard to keep that shelf organized.
Last but not least, I’m tired of seeing every toy we own as soon as I walk through the front door of our home.
A Sneak Peek at Our Colorful Kids Playroom Design Plans
Don’t worry: We’d never dream of ditching all their toys, or taking their main-level playroom away from them.
But the fact of the matter is that the kids are growing up, and it’s time for their play space to grow up, too.
As we tackle this room refresh, we’re focusing on:
- Finding a better way to store and organize the kids’ toys; and
- Creating a room in our home that is fun and whimsical enough to be a playroom today, but can easily be transformed into a TV/lounge area when the kids are teens.
Ready to snag a peek at the design?
Here it is …

I want our new playroom to really reflect the things that the kids love — and the two things that top their list of “favorites” are family vacations and summer camp (well, for my daughter, that is … although I’m sure when my son is old enough to go to sleepaway camp, he’ll love it too).
In another post, I’ll talk more about the decor I selected for the space.
The biggest part of the project, though, that’s not obvious at all from the plan above?!
We’re building and installing built-in shelving and cabinets ourselves.
And they’re going to be the most beautiful shade of green.
I’m both excited and terrified at the same time.
Next Steps for Our Playroom Makeover
First up: Building our built-in shelving!
I’ll dedicate a full post to this next week, and I’ll also show you a sketch I drew of what it’ll look like when it’s complete.
We ordered several unfinished cabinet bases from Lowe’s last weekend, and they get delivered tomorrow.
It’s going to be an interesting weekend of measuring, sawing, and painting over here. (Please send prayers. And wine.)
Stay tuned for next week’s post where I’ll share more about our built-in shelving plan, along with other ideas I’ve got up my sleeve for our colorful playroom makeover!